Extreme stretching
I DID IT! It took me completely by surprise that I was able to take it all - and this monster is now officially my favourite dildo!
Yes…. I have been stretching for a long time and yes…. I have been stretching with some rather large toys (to say the least!). But I have never been able to force something this big so far inside my body….
The dildo is precisely as hard as it should be in order not to bend when I use all my weight and yet it's nice and soft and doesn't hurt a bit.

Miss M. watched me taking the whole thing. She told me afterwards that she actually was a little chocked when she saw the whole thing disappear completely inside me.
And I must admit that I was a bit chocked my self. First of all because I was able to do it - and secondly because it felt SO GOOD!
No pain just the perfect DEEP STRETCH!! I'll stick to this baby for a while, and then I guess I'm ready for something even bigger!!
Enjoy the video and watch the full version on Miss M.'s LoverFans :-)
When we post blog entries like this we usually get e-mails with questions about the toy and where to buy it. I'll save us all some time and provide the information:
The dildo is called "Topher Michels", it's size XXXL. It comes in different sizes, and you can get your very own at Mrhankeystoys.com.
slave p.
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