In the media
Lately I have experienced a lot of interest in my real life female led relationship, but I was a little surprised to say the least (!) when I was asked to give an interview to Darkside Magazine. Darkside Magazine is one of my favorite fetish magazines!
I was thrilled to learn, that they printed the full interview and dedicated 12 pages to me and the way I live - and the issue even had the very skilled and wonderful Mistress Baton on the cover. Wow!
If you are into BDSM or the Fetish Scene I can strongly recommend Darkside Magazine: Buy the magazine and read the full interview right here.
Some weeks later I made a Custom Made Video for a very nice gentleman, who wanted to watch me ride my slave and use him as a human pony. It was my debut as a human pony rider (read about my experience right here), and after I had made the video, the gentleman who had bought it asked for an interview. It turned out that he was the owner of the site humanpony.org. I told him all about what it felt like to ride my human pony for the first time, and I loved reading the interview!
Click here if you are interested in pony play and want to read the interview!
I was a little curious about how I would feel about being "exposed" on other sites than my own. But I must say that I LIKE IT!
I love the fact that others are interested in my special (some might say extreme) lifestyle and all the naughty stuff I do. Enjoy the interviews and feel free to ask any question you like!
Watch full videos and all photos on my LoverFans :-)
Miss M.
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